Monday, June 6, 2016

Preparations pg 7

Kurdan Gro-Olar,
     I hope this letter finds you well. Your Birth Mother and I are almost at our wit's end, the males have taken to raiding     more and more. They are outside the Law, they say they wish     your brother to go on raid's, as a look out only, but still     they would take him outside the Law before he is at the age of   consent. 
      I have slowly shipped off all the females to other         strongholds to foster, that were young enough that your         brother could not arrange a marriage. The other females here     are all either Guards, Hunters or your Brothers wives. Those     that are guards and hunters are only staying because I ask. We   are asking that you find us some kind of home, something that   will shelter us and offer protection from the elements. The     guards and hunters will see us to this home and if their is     enough room, perhaps stay and keep to the duties that they       know best.
      If it is in a city, so be it, though we both would prefer   the wilds. We will make the best of it, until you are able to   build your Stronghold.
                      Keenya Gra-Olar,

        I re-read the short letter and then passed it to Navitas to read. She grunted as she finished the letter and handed it back. I knew I did not yet have enough gold to buy one of the City homes, the Steward had quoted me a price on the one in Whiterun and it was a small home. 

"Kurdan? If you will, Nic inherited a home, it is not down on the plains, but up in the wooded cliff's. She suggested that it might make a good place for your family if they had to come before you build your Stronghold. As long as a few hunters and guards stay, your family would be safe. The home has wall's on two sides and mountain on the other two. "  I stood their looking down at her for a moment, thinking if this would be a good thing.

"But will Nic not want her home when she returns? I do not know how long it will take to win favor and buy the land for the Stronghold, let alone build the Stockade and at least one stone building where all may sleep."  I could see the twinkle in her eye's as she answered that.

"Oh yes, I am sure she will, but she and Azul will not be coming strait back from getting the cure for Azul. Nic wishes to see the Walking Tree's in Velenwood again and visit family.  It will be a while before they come back, you will have time to at least do the minimum. Besides which, she can  stay with friends here or at the Families Tree in Falkreath. "

" I will except the offer and say thank you to your Sister of the Heart is not here. Do you think we should go look at it before I write to my Birth and Heart Mother's?"

"No, write them, send Gold with a courier and mayhap some supplies for their travels, but left at the Hunter's camp that you told me of. Then tomorrow we will go and look at the house and see to any repairs and cleaning that needs to be done. We can order food stuff to be delivered when you have a date around when they might arrive."

Mother of my Heart and Mother of my Birth,
                I have a house that you may come to and live, for a time until  I may have our            Strong hold built. Their is enough room for Guards and Hunters, though they may have          to share space. Come as you may, I will be leaving to do any cleaning and needed                  repairs  to the house. When you get to Markarth, please feel free to stay a day or so, but          send a courier to Whiterun and I will know to return and await your arrival.
                This courier has gold and has left supplies at a hunters camp I marked on the map    he will give you. Go to markarth, as I am afraid my Brother may take the money that I am        giving to him to give to you, I will leave enough there for you for lodging and food and to          make the trip to Whiterun. 
                 Please be safe and make your best speed here.

                                                                         Kurdan Gro-Olar

Navitas and I left for Nic's house, after I arranged with a courier for him to procure the supplies, along with a few pack horses and as I told him, gold that would be hidden inside the packs, so that when my Brother took the gold he would give to my Birth-Mother, she would have some. He would arrange for the supplies and pack horses in Markarth and then lead My Mothers back to Markarth from the Hunters camp.

The house was everything that Navitas had said, the wall's would not keep out a determined force, but it would still be easy to defend. It was large enough to work for a couple months to a year, but the longer it was the more strained it would be for the Ladies. I would work quicker, take more bounties, I wasn't sure but I had to do something.

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